Establishing a direct Channel Manager connection with Airbnb is extremely easy. All you have to do is to allow the Bentral aplication to manage your accommodations, set prices, occupancy, accept reservations, and receive/send messages and guest reviews.
To connect to Airbnb, follow these steps:
In the Bentral Control panel under Capacities > Your property > Channel manager tick the channel Airbnb(1) and select option Full connection(2).
Then click Connect with Airbnb(3) button and you will be redirected to Airbnb, where you must be logged into your Airbnb account.
On the Airbnb confirmation page indicate, that you agree, that Bentral can connect to your Airbnb account(4), and click the Allow button(5).
After successful confirmation, click Return to Bentral button(6), which will redirect you back to your Bentral account.
As soon as you are redirected back to your Bentral account, a window for connecting units already opens.
The final step is to connect your Bentral units with Airbnb listings. On the right side select the listing, which corresponds to the unit in Bentral.
Once you have correctly mapped all the units, save your choice. After that, all your reservations will be transferred, while your prices and availability will be sent to Airbnb exactly as you have set on your Bentral calendar.
After successfully completing the connection, you can set all prices and availability in your Bentral account. Closing dates and setting prices in Airbnb is no longer possible (until cancelation).